DSC02912 1358.31 Kb Heh, you caught me (again)
 DSC02913 1433.44 Kb Keith lights up to prepare for the MTB ride
 DSC02915 1390.77 Kb Cable ties really useful for all sorts of things.
 DSC02917 1170.66 Kb An idiot standing on Karussel while the track is open
 DSC02918 1360.85 Kb And another idiot who ventured even further on to the track!
 DSC02919 1419.55 Kb Cigarettes and biking don't mix very well...
 DSC02922 1401.71 Kb Couple of industry cars testing
 DSC02925 1348.59 Kb Classic blacked and taped cars
 DSC02926 1180.63 Kb M5 - two a penny that day
 DSC02928 1417.59 Kb Danger of life - no spectators allowed here
 DSC02930 1289.14 Kb More SUVs than you could shake a stick at. Must make them great for the school run.
 DSC02932 1448.39 Kb Ah, those cable ties come in handy again. Lucky for Jon that we didn't have any racer's tape with us :-)
 DSC02933 1300.01 Kb Ian, Graham, Kevin in the hotel garage
 DSC02934 1407.22 Kb Tuesday evening session
 DSC02935 1370.52 Kb Jag mule cars being used for passeneger rides Tuesday night
 DSC02936 1390.52 Kb The batmobile?